Write What You Know: Big Families

Dedicated to my siblings. I miss you all and really hate making tiny portions of food. Who makes soup in a sauce pan? It should be big enough for a whole goat or something. SMH


  • You have to double or triple normal recipes to feed everyone and when you're looking for a new recipe on Pinterest, you search under "for a crowd." Casseroles or any meal that can feed a lot of people are common. Grilling results in a giant stack of hotdogs and hamburgers.
  • You sometimes get called two or three different names before your parent or siblings get to yours.
  • Even more common if you've been away and everyone is used to addressing other siblings
  • Eventually, you just get used to saying the wrong name in their "Hey, so-and-so! Guess what!" and you just roll with it.
  • "How many siblings do you have?"
    *Tells them and watches their eyes get really big*
  • After awhile you stop telling people names, and go with jobs or descriptions  and have conversations like,
    "So my brother..."
    "The fireman or the one who likes string cheese?"
    "The fireman. Anyway, he..." 
  • Buys things in bulk, like sugar and oatmeal. And then you're just refilling the sugar bin from a giant 50 lb paper sack in the basement.
  • Every recipe is at least doubled, some times quadrupled. Do you know how weird it is to go from cooking for 10 people to cooking for just yourself? You got to make chili and you're just like..."So...do I just use one can of beans? A half can? How does this work?"
  • Or you frequently shop at places like Sam's Club

    As everyone gets older, communication mishaps occur! Like that time someone texted the group chat, "We're out of TP, can anyone grab some?" and then basically everyone grabbed a bale or package of toilet paper on the way home. 

  • Sibling bonding is pretty strong. Or at least it can be. I know some kids with big families who kind of resent that there are so many kids/not enough time with the parents. Also *cough* the parents who kind of just make their older kids raise the younger kids by themselves *cough*
  • And can we talk about thanksgiving dinner?
    Other families: "Oh boy! Now its time to put in the extra leaf so everyone can sit at the table!"
    Big families: "Add two leaves to the dinner table (which already has two leaves) and set up the kitchen table too."
    And is that enough room? Nah, there's still a HUGE kids table (especially as everyone grows up and has their own kids.)
  • The revolving door of kids going through school. The poor teachers
  • When you meet friends of your parents and they're like, "Oh, I was there when you blah blah blah (were competing at a county fair or a dance recital or science fair) and you're just like, "That was my sibling, but carry on."
  • Elaborate plots that work because there are just SO MANY people to make it work
  • When someone says, Oh! I have a big family too!....There's FOUR of us.
    And you're just there like...We have different means for big






  1. Yass. We have seven in our family (which compared to many of our friends is small but the world thinks is big). And I relate very hard to the food and names ones....so hard.

    1. So much food! Sometimes I forget and buy "normal" portions of food. Recently that meant grabbing the EXTRA big thing of blueberries at the store. I've just been frantically eating them so they don't go bad *cries*
      (Freeze them you say? Madness. Only eat.)

  2. Um...this was far, far too relatable. I have four siblings, which really doesn't seem like many to me, but to everyone else..."Four siblings? Are your parents crazy?" XD
    Seriously, how does one make a recipe with less than two pounds of ground beef?? Or less than a million cans of beans??
    "Refilling the sugar bin from the giant 50lb bag" <<YES.
    Also, getting called many different names...sometimes my mom even goes through HER siblings' names before she gets to ours. XD

    1. And the giant bin of salt, of oatmeal, of rice.
      It's so crazy! Especially since we make our chili with a couple different beans so I'm always like...but how do I do the ratio? Like, 3/4 of a can of one bean and 1/4 of the other can? Send help.

  3. I am but one of five siblings, but I know enough large families that your points all made me smile so hard! While I do answer to almost any name, that's mostly due to younger sibling running through random nicknames...

    Single quantities of food?? what is this. My plan, once I'm alone, is simply to make the normal amount and then freeze it... won't be a particularly varied diet, but I'll only have to once or twice a week xD

    (In an almost-related topic, wHERE DOEST ONE GET LARGE CASSEROLE DISHES. I cannot find a big rectangle one anywhere and we need one for lasagna. A difficult quest. :')

    This is an awesomely enjoyable post, MK, and has reignited my desire for reading/writing big families! (I assume you've read The Boy Who Steals Houses?)

    1. *COOK once or twice a week, I'll only have to COOK once or twice a week-

    2. "Only one out of five" Lol, I love that its a thing :D
      OR make a casserole and freeze it and eat it bit by bit through the month, but also do it for other things so you have lots of frozen things to eat!
      I also like making mass amounts of one thing (noodles, cook chicken, etc) and then eat it throughout the week but spice it up. So like, one day those noodles are chicken alfredo and the next they can be something different

      (This is total propaganda. I do cook a bunch of chicken every week and eat it on salad, on its own, and etc. and eat that for lunches but I usually just make enough of each meal that I have leftovers for the next day.)

      I have!!! I really liked it!

  4. I relate to all of these. I'm from a family of 10.
    My mom constantly mixes my name up with my sisters and calls me Skahannah a hybrid of Skye and Hannah. We both respond to it. XD

  5. Oh my goodness xD

    I won't say I have a big family, but my parents definitely mix up our names before they get to the right one, sometimes they just "hey YOU" when they give up 🤣

    loved this post!!

    1. At this point, I tend to just look at people and start talking LOL
      *contemplates when I actually addressed one of my siblings by their first name*

  6. "We have different means of big" I cracked up. But the introduction, too! And the whole post!

    Funny thing ... though I'm the oldest of 12, I feel like the family of 4 whenever I meet a family that has 14+ kids.

    This was such a great post. TBh I take care of the food problem by never eating anything but eggs or yogurt. For church I make a huge amount of food (so the people think. But I'm just in my comfort zone hoping the leftovers will be small enough for myself to take home). I love potlucks where I can cook as I am meant to cook ;p

    MB> keturahskorner.blogspot.com
    PB> thegirlwhodoesntexist.com

    1. Right? And then someone will be like, "Oh who's the so-and-so's youngest?" and I have to be like, "IDK pal. I stopped keeping track like 4 kids ago."

  7. Great post! Big families are so fun!



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