The Long Anticipated Post!!! // Dual Post With Lia

On September 22, 2016, Lia and I started a blog together. 
For those of you who have been around for a bit longer, you may remember it. Catholic Girl Stuff. 
And we both moved to our own blogs. I started blogging at Sarcastic Scribblings five months later (it had a different name) and Lia started The Singing Writer in March 2017. And we were both trying to juggle life and two blogs and we slowly drifted away from Catholic Girl Stuff and forgot it from time to time. And then...last May, we finally retired Catholic Girl Stuff for good. 

One thing that everyone said they'd miss the most is the dual posts Lia and I wrote. (You know, after my sparking wit :P...JK, It was probably Lia. Yeah, pretty sure it was Lia.) 

So in honor of our first blog, we're finally doing it. It's time for a dual post!
Be sure to check out the dual post over on Lia's blog!

Ok...So we probably should have just titled this "9 Reasons to Read I'd Tell You That I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter."


    They don’t do the thing where they just kind of are erased from the story except for two scenes and they’re really well written! Actually, all the characters are really well written!
  2. If you read the first book you get to read Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy
    Which is, in my humble opinion, ONE OF THE BEST THINGS EVER!
  3. If you’re like me and hate the spy stories where the MC is a #SUPERSPY #THEBESTOFTHEBEST except for, you know, 99% of the story when they’re just terrible…
    THEN YOU WILL LOVE THE GALLAGHER GIRL SERIES. They’re pretty good, but not perfect but at the same time, they make mistakes. They are, after all, spies in training.
  4. It’s clean
    I’m pretty sure the only time anyone swears it is just like “they swore in Swahili”
  5. Character Development and Plot
    Not to spoil anything, but I really really liked how the first book ended. (And the second book, but I loved everything about the second book.)
  6. Spy Facts
If you like spies or know a lot about them, you’ll be sitting there thinking, “Ooh! ATF! Ah yes! A dead drop! Brush pass!”
And if you don’t? It’s still easy to read and things are explained in a simple and non-condescending way! 

  1. The Ships!!!
I personally believe that Gallagher Girls have the best ships ever! I’m not gonna spoil anything so you have to read it to find out!!!!

  1. The mentor characters in the book are very diverse and lovable in different ways.
They are supportive and there for the students. Calm in the face of a storm. 

And that's it! Have you read I'd Tell You That I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You? Are you thinking about it?
-MK and Lilah


  1. haha, haven't read this book. But the title is lovely ;p


    1. Its all fun and games until you have to type it constantly because it wrecked your life and you're legally obligated to never shut up about it :D

  2. I haven't read it yet,but I like spies. It's so hard to find good spy books.

    1. This is one of the good ones :D
      On the other hand, it will ruin basically every single YA spy book out there

  3. Oh my word, I LOVE Gallagher Girls!! This makes me want to reread it. :')

    1. Me too! I don't own a copy of the series so I can't read it right now. But once I'm home from school...I'm 100% going to reread it! I miss all the characters!

  4. The dynamic duo back together again! I need to read this!


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