"Boring Classics" I Found Amusing

This post was inspired by That Artsy Reader Girl's Top Ten Tuesday prompt!

And alternative post name could be, "Books To Read If You Get SO Bored During Quarantine That You're Desperate Enough to Read A Classic"

I put the following books in order of easiest to understand to the most difficult! 

The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde
I had to read this story for a Victorian Lit class last year, but I've re-read it since then and recommend it all the time...This story is just flat out hilarious! There are confused identities and a super passive-aggressive tea party that never fails to make me laugh. And the super passive tea party that follows. And all the characters are unique and amusing. And it's super easy to understand!

“Oh! I don't think I would like to marry a sensible man. I shouldn't know what to talk to him about.”

The Call of the Wild by Jack London 
I enjoyed London's White Fang as well, but this is my favorite of his books. A heroic dog and master team facing all odds together! What more can you ask for? 
"No, sir. Go to hell sir. It's the best I can do for you sir"

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
I honestly have no idea why I liked this book. The characters were surprisingly unlikeable and all or most of them were at least slightly creepy or deranged. But the prose, the setting...Somehow it all just pulled me in. Also: Ghosts

"You said I killed you--haunt me then."

Shakespeare's Comedies (Twelfth Night)
Ok. To be fair, by now I have read several Shakespearean plays. But this was the first one I read and what really made the language "click".
The Twelfth Night is full of interwoven stories and the confusion! This is what happens when one identical twin steals the other's identity and doesn't tell the second twin!

“Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit.”

So what do you think? Have you ever read any of these books? Do you have a classic that you enjoyed? 



  1. Ooo, I want to read all of these! I have Wuthering Heights it's a good time to read it.

    1. The silver lining in the Covid19 storm cloud is added time to read, I guess. At least, unless you have a mountain of school crushing you...

  2. I liked The Call of the Wild, too.

    My TTT .

    1. I especially liked the scenes with the sled pull and the river rescue :D

  3. I've read WUTHERING HEIGHTS and CALL OF THE WILD, but it's been a long time for both of them. I need to re-read CALL OF THE WILD and then go see the movie. My 15yo son wants us to go see it as a family - if the theaters ever reopen, of course :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. I was so excited to see Call of the Wild...
      I heard that theatres were trying to do something where they release the movies to the public earlier? I feel like it had something to do with Amazon Prime?
      Hopefully you get to watch it!

  4. I read Wuthering Heights, but it was a simplified version and still I found it very boring. Still do want to read some of Oscar Wilde and The Importance of Being Ernest sounds pretty interesting.

    1. What I enjoyed most about Wuthering Heights was the prose (the actual characters and plot I didn't care for...) Let me know what you think of The Importance of Being Ernest! Its one of my favorite of his works!

  5. LOL. I'm glad you found some amusement from boring classics.

  6. Thanks to our Library closing, I get to keep Wuthering Heights for another couple of weeks! Hopefully I can make some headway with it!! Great post Mary Kate!

  7. OOh i really do want to read The Importance of Being Earnest!!

    1. Since its so old, you can find it in the public domain. I originally read a physical copy, but did a recent re-read of a google books copy!


    That’s it, that’s the comment. XD

  9. THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST aaahhh everyone should read this. "There were no cucumbers to be had, sir. Not even for ready money." xD

    also when I did it for school there was a movie, I think? with Colin Firth?

    I've got Northanger Abbey on my quarantine TBR, but I'm still dubious about it xD

    1. I am always amazed by his butler.
      I know! I watched a clip of "the muffin scene" with Colin Firth in my Victorian Lit class and now I'm trying to convince my family to find it and watch it. We are all locked up so we might as well XD

      I've never read it...Let me know what you thought!


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