Never Have I Ever: Writer Edition

I stole this tag from Nicole at Legend of a Writer. Check out the link to see her post and then I highly suggest sticking around and reading basically all of her posts.


Link and thank the blogger who tagged you
Include the graphic somewhere in the post (or make your own!)
Answer the questions truthfully and honestly
Tag 3 bloggers 

Never Have I EVER...

...Started a novel I didn't finish

*scoffs* Of course 

...Written a story completely by hand


...Changed tenses midway through a story

Yes, but I've changed POV from third person to first person before... 

...Not researched something before starting a story

 Yep...I tend to research things more as I go through my writing life, but not always

...Changed your protagonist's name halfway through the novel
Nope! But I usually do the development for the main character before I start so the name is pretty settled.

...Written a story in a month or less
While I have won NaNoWriMo, it has always been secondary drafts or the 50k did not complete the story. The shortest I've ever finished a novel is about two months. Actually, I've finished four novels now (the first drafts) and they all took around two months. I think The Hedgehog King was actually a little under two months...

...Fallen asleep while writing
Nope! I tend to be pretty good about getting up and taking a nap or going to sleep when I get too tired to continue.
...Corrected someone's grammar in life or online
Nope. (Unless it was in a joking manner to a friend)

...Yelled at myself in all caps in the middle of a novel
YES! All the time. And when I'm doing the read-through for a rewrite or for edits, there tends to be a lot of snappy comments to myself on the side. 

...Used "I'm writing" as an excuse
Not as in a fake excuse, but as in an "I'm genuinely writing at the moment" excuse? Yes.

...Killed a character that I based off someone I know in real life
I'm afraid I can't say. Or else things shall be spoiled about one of my books and a certain friend of mine will yell at me
...Used a pop culture reference in a story
Yep. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but there are pop culture references in various stories of mine.

...Written between 1 am and 6 am

Well, of course. (I actually read it as between 1pm and 6pm and I had to think about that one. But 1am and 6pm? All the time.)
...Drank an entire pot of coffee while writing
Yes. But this is more of an "I drink a lot of coffee" and less of an "I stayed there for so long that I drank a whole pot of coffee."

...Written down dreams to use in potential novels

I basically never dream, so no.
...Published an unedited story on the internet/blog/wattpad?
I've never published a full-length story.

I've published snippets without editing. (And I still do.)
"It adds to the realisticness of where I am," I say.
"It's so other people realize that we're all just struggling through it to make art," I say.
"I'm not just making excuses to not edit my snippets," I say

...Procrastinated homework because I wanted to write
100% YES in high school. In college? No.

...Typed so fast my wrists hurt
I've never typed fast enough that my wrists hurt, but I have typed fast enough that my fingers hurt and the laptop lagged slightly behind whatever word I was actually typing.
And I've typed quickly for a long enough time that my wrists and shoulders hurt...

...Spilled a drink on my laptop while writing


...Forgotten to save my work/draft

I've heard enough horror stories about losing work that I just save the document every couple of minutes just in case. 

...Finished a novel

I've finished the first drafts of four novels (In A Dream was first. After that I wrote Capes, Coffee Shops, & Cake and Twelve Golden Windows, and then most recently The Hedgehog King.)
But I've never finished finished and gotten a novel published.
...Laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene

Of course. 
Shenanigans are going on? Cue evil laugh
A terrible awkward encounter between the two love interests? Evil laugh
Something terrible, but hilarious happens to a character? Evil laugh
Something terrible and not at all funny happens? Probably still laughing evilly. 

...Cried while writing a scene

I've never actually cried, but I did get a bit choked up once.

...Created maps for my fictional worlds

It depends on the fictional world. Fantasy? Usually make a map. The others? Nope

...Researched something shady for a novel 

Of course! At one point I was researching the legality of assassinations in the modern age. (Because I was trying to figure out how to set up this group in a fantasy book.) That's not at all suspect. 

Please don't arrest me

And I'm not tagging anyone because stealing tags is such an important part of the blogging world!
(Also posting everything months in advance means its really hard to keep track and know what people haven't done a tag yet...)
But if you do steal it, hit me up in the comments and tell me so I can see it! 



  1. This is so fun... Honestly, who doesn't laugh like a villain at one point or other while writing???

  2. That's awesome that you've finished four drafts!

    1. Thank you! I wish they were a little better written though, lol

  3. Coffee and yelling just seem like part of the process now. XD

    1. I don't know what I would do without them :D


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