Spring TBR 2020

This post was inspired by The Artsy Reader Girl's Top Ten Tuesday prompt!

Since I'm back home (my college closed for two weeks and switched to virtual classes to limit face to face interaction) and therefore I have a wider range of books to choose from! Or at least a different range of books.

I finished the Timeless Fairy Tale series by KM Shea (except for the finale book, which hasn't been published yet...) so I'll read the two series set in the same world:

The Apprentice of Magic series 

Apprentice of Magic
Curse of Magic
Reign of Magic

The Snow Queen series (which is a sort of prequel series)

Heart of Ice
Snowflakes (which is a short story collection)

It's possible I'll read all these books, even with all the school and added homework, before I head back to campus...but let's start with the short and bite-sized list, yeah?

What are you planning on reading this Spring? Have you read any of these books? What methods do you use to fight your TBR?



  1. All the colleges here in Arizona have gone to virtual school as well. I guess there are some good things about it, yeah? I hope you do get a chance for some fun reading in between assignments. Good luck!

    Happy TTT!

    1. My college actually JUST closed down for the rest of the semester so RIP
      I had to drive four hours back to school to move out and I ended up driving till 3 am. I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep *cries*

  2. Snowflakes sounds fun! And, yeah, all colleges and universities in Ontario are only doing online classes now, too.

    My TTT .

    1. Its CRAZY with all the schools shut down. Also, a bunch of the internships got cancelled and AGH.

  3. The Snow Queen Series looks so good! And my classes here in California are also closed for the next couple of weeks
    My TTT: emeliesbooks.home.blog/2020/03/17/ttt-spring-2020-tbr/

    1. Do you think you'll be going back after those couple weeks or that it will completely close?

  4. lol you wrote this before you had to go back RIP. i still need to read KM Shea's books!!

    1. I had to make two 8 hour trips in one week. RIP
      YOU DO!

  5. I work at a library now, so my physical TBR is trying to kill me. when I was a smol person I thought people who couldn't handle their TBRs were just Weak. but no. I was young and foolish. now I have the same number of books (read: too many) and an aCTUAL JOB, what is this adult thing, get it away from me (except not, because it's great, but I do miss childhood??)

    But books 2 and 3 of Holly Black and Cassandra Claire's Magisterium series are next on my list, and they'll be fun reads, so I'm looking forward to those. :)

    1. Adult things *shudders*
      How revolting!

      I haven't heard too much about that series...(I mean, I probably have... I just haven't heard them say the official series name... maybe?) Anyway, I'll look into them!

  6. My school is closed for the rest of the semester, so *theoretically* I have more time to read, haha! (I still have online school, but . . . I like to think I have free time hahahaha).

    On my immediate TBR:
    The Hate U Give
    Strange the Dreamer
    The Cruel Prince

    Hanne || losingthebusyness.wordpress.com

    1. I've read the second two! They were pretty good. Hope you enjoy them!


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