Summer TBR 2020

To be honest, at this point I'm so busy that I probably won't read any of these...but here goes!

Besides, with last month's reading, ANY books read will be an improvement. But everything is an improvement from zero! (Though I DID read a beta copy and an ARC, so I guess I actually read TWO books!)

The Apprentice of Magic Series
I finished up all the published books in the Timeless Fairytale series by KM Shea and so naturally I should dive into this companion series while I wait for the final book to come out.
And I recently finished the first book, Apprentice of Magic, so now I just have to read the other two! Easy peas-y, right? 

(I'm pretty sure this list was also in my Spring TBR. Back when I thought that being at home AND being in college would mean EXTRA free time. Lol) 

Curse of Magic  
Reign of Magic 

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
I LOVED her Six of Crows duology and enjoyed her Shadow and Bone series (Did you see its getting A TV SHOW?!?) I still haven't read Bardugo's King of maybe I'll add this to the list?
Besides, a Leigh Bardugo book feels like a good read for a stormy or rainy summer day! Who's hyped for thunderstorm season? *raises hand*

Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff
A space book?! Usually, I don't like a lot of sci-fi books (though technically that's because they tend to info dump because they just have SO MUCH WORLDBUILDING and oof. I don't want to sit through 3 pages on how this one species of aliens breaths, thanks.) But I did enjoy The Lunar Chronicles (which feel like they hardly count) and adored the Illuminae series (which 100% counts). And the Illuinae series was also written by Jay Kristoff (and Amie Kaufman) so let's see what Jay Kristoff is up to by himself.

Also, I've heard good things, and it's been on my TBR for a while. Let's sping clean those TBRs!!!

This is only five books, but given how much I read in April even that might be a challenge! If I read these, I'm going to try and read a bunch of other backlogged TBR books.
What are your plans for May reading? 



  1. I haven't read any of these books, but they all sound really good! I wish that we had thunderstorm season where I live, but unfortunately, we only get the odd storm every so often in the fall.
    My (very foggy!) May reading plan is to finish Volume 2 of C. S. Lewis's Collected Letters and read Volume 1, as well as Tolkien's collected letters, but we'll see what happens.

    1. I am OBSESSED with thunderstorms. Pretty sure that my college roommate thought I was crazy because this HUGE one rolled in and one minute they're like, "Wow! That's a huge storm!" and the next minute I'm sitting on the window seal like a cat XD

      I love Tolkien so much...but I've also never read any of his works outside of Middle Earth (unless you count the silmarillion)

  2. love this post! my summer TBR is: "Call Down the Hawk" (due to college, i haven't been able to finish it, and i NEED to see how it ends), "The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes" (SO EXCITED), "How We Rise" (reading it rn!), and reread the Chronicles of Narnia. <3

    1. College is amazing at destroying reading plans...
      And I kind of want to read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes but also...I've never read the books. And I haven't even seen all the movies...

  3. I hope I can finish Ben-Hur this month. Not sure what I'm going to read next. I guess it depends on how I feel. ;)

    1. I LOVE the Ben Hur movie...and I only just realized from your comment that there is a book. SMH

  4. I have mixed feelings about Ninth House, the writing is gorgeous though.

    1. I have kind of mixed feeling about it going in too (which is why I haven't started it yet) but I still want to read it so we'll see!


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