The Best Bookish Opening Lines

This post was inspired by the weekly blogging prompt Top Ten Tuesday! Be sure to check it out over at That Artsy Reader Girl!

Scorpio Races

It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die.

That's it, people! Go home, it's over! Nothing can top that!




Well, I suppose I do have a few more.

Six of Crows

Joost had two problems: the moon and his mustache

The Hobbit

In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.  

P & P

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

Often quoted, as classics often are. Call Me Ismael, anyone?

The list probably could be longer, but like I said...After Scorpio Races, why try?


  1. Sarah got me TSR for my birthday this month and ahhhhhhh now I have to read it ASAP!!!

  2. Yeah, that opening line for Scorpio Races is pretty amazing.

    My TTT .

  3. TSR's opening line is possibly one of the most gripping ever. It's so specific and awesome!

    1. Yes! And yet it also doesn't explain itself, so now even if you didn't want to read TSR you HAVE to just to find out why. Opening line goals, honestly.

  4. Yay, I love TSR!!
    I also really like the opening line of To Best The Boys: "The problem with siphoning blood from a bloated cadaver is that sometimes its belly makes an involuntary twitch just as you're leaning over the discolored skin".

    1. Ooh! That's a good one.
      I think I've been meaning to add To Best the Boys to my TBR...if I wasn't, I certainly am now!

  5. I haven't read Scorpio Races but that first line really draws you in. It's really sad that I couldn't finish six of crows because that beginning line seems so much fun.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Its SO good.

      Oh no! Why couldn't (or didn't) you finish SOC? (Though there is a fair bit of content that people may want to avoid, so I can understand if that is why you skipped it)

  6. These are great! :) I should read Scorpio Races sometime.

  7. how about Jessica Day Geaorge's "Dragons slippers"?
    " It was my Aunt who decided to give me to the dragon"

  8. Wow, that SCORPIO RACES one is chilling, isn't it? I haven't read the book, but I agree, it has a great first line!

    Happy TTT!

  9. Yep. That Six of Crow line is epic. Just like the book.

  10. Haha, great list! I like the opening line from Six of Crows. Here's my TTT!

  11. the opening line of "The Scorpio Races" is the BEST. i also love the opening line of "The Raven Boys" - "Blue Sargent had forgotten how many times she'd been told that she would kill her true love."


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