Forging the Fellowship Tag // Yet Another Tag I Stole

Jem Jones did a LOTR tag. And I stole it.
(You know at this point, I should just not even bother saying I stole it because I can't even remember the last time I actually got a tag because I was tagged...)

(Never mind. Apparently, there are no rules.)

[The Ring Bearer]: If you could choose, which of the four races would you be: Elf, Dwarf, Human, or Hobbit? 
I am a pretty tall person and I enjoy being a tall person, so not a dwarf or a hobbit...The other two are about the same to me...

[Gandalf the Grey]: A wise/powerful mentor character
Halt from The Ranger's Apprentice is the mentor of all mentors. I'd like to say that he would HATE being saddled with an entire group of people, but also he keeps taking people under his wing.

Halt: Horace. Go home! I'm going on this quest by myself
Horace: I'm coming
Halt: Oh well, I tried!

[Aragorn] A Character with good survival instincts
Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I mean, he manages to survive all these crazy things and most of the time his mental process is just "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING BUT THIS FEELS RIGHT."

[Boromir] A Character who makes mistakes, but has a good heart
Matthias from Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom

[Gimli] A stubborn character
Wes from 100 Days of Sunlight. He'd keep going when the goings got tough.

[Legolas] A character who is talented

Carter from The Art of French Kissing by Brianna R Shrum

[Peregrin Took]: A character who at first seems useless, but ends up surprising you:

Prince Lucien from The Timeless Fairytale series by KM Shea (Specifically The Frog Prince.)

[Meriadoc Brandybuck]: A character who is small/not very strong, but has great courage:

Wylan from Six of Crows. 

[Samwise Gamgee]: A character who is extremely loyal and doesn’t give up:

Rowan from Scythe

I started out actually explaining why each character fit each question, but as I went along it just turned into "This person. Because reasons." 

If you WANT to know why I picked a specific person, ask me in the comments! 

And feel free to steal this tag for yourself! (Just let me know!)



  1. Not really sure what happened with the font colors? *shrugs*
    It be like that sometimes

  2. That Percy Jackson bit... So true!! That's exactly how he is!

    1. And yet he never has this dramatic character arc where he learns to think things through, LOL

  3. Hey, I stole this one from Jem, too! XD
    Yaaassss, Halt. Gotta love that crusty exterior and completely gooey interior (if that makes sense, haha).
    Also, I just read 100 Days of Sunlight, and Wes is fantastic!

    1. It makes perfect sense! That's exactly how Halt is and that is why we love him XD

  4. "I am a pretty tall person and I enjoy being a tall person, so not a dwarf or a hobbit" <--- SAME!XD

    1. Of course, if I was a dwarf I would be a natural sprinter :D

  5. Great choices, especially Matthias.


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