777 Challenge // The Hedgehog King

 It's the 7.7.7 Challenge! It's basically you go to the 7th page, the 7th paragraph (or is it line?) and then the next 7 paragraphs after that! 

I don't remember who I stole this from since its been sitting in my drafts for AGES and it was apparently from before I started using the little trick: JUST COPY AND PASTE THE LINK INTO THE POST AND FIX IT LATER


This isn't of my NaNoWriMo project, since that is still under the giant tarp marked TOP SECRET! NO PEEKING! so I pulled it from The Hedgehog King instead. 


These aren't really paragraphs...but I just went off line breaks :D


 All he had to do was kick Belen. Kick him once and hang on. And then he would be free. Surely the beast’s horse couldn’t catch them. Not when it was carrying a monster of that size. 

But he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t muster the courage.


“In one year, you will bring what you promised to the castle of the King of Luptania.” The creature growled and King Darius could see the white gleam of teeth and fang as the creature bared them at him. “Remember what will happen if you try to cheat me.” There was a snap of teeth, a barked command to go and King Darius fled the forest as fast as his horse could go.

He didn’t let Belen slow once they were out of sight. Up and down hills they fled, flying by serfs working in the fields outside the palace, not slowing as worried voices called after him. The only peace the king sought was the sound of hooves ringing on the cobblestone. The gates of the city were flung open before him and clattered back against the stone. They bolted through, the sound of metal horseshoes on stone only registering in his ears when they were halfway back to the palace. Only then did he allow the sweat drenched warhorse to slow. Only then did the shadow of fear loosen its hold on his mind. Only then was his mind free and he began to turn over the stories of Luptania’s great wealth and its untapped resources. And more importantly, the legends of its monstrous king, who was half man and half beast.

“Father! Father!” a young voice broke through his thoughts and he looked up to see his youngest daughter racing toward him. “I figured out the solution to the problem merchants are having in the southern port. If we just build…”

She continued to prattle on and on, but he wasn’t listening. He didn’t have time to listen. He stroked his beard and muttered over and over to himself. “This could work.”




Ta da! 

I'm not tagging anyone but it is a challenge so I CHALLENGE YOU! IF YOU DARE!




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