The Merciful Crow //Book Review


 “To everyone whose mercy is demanded, and who dreams instead of teeth.”

The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen 

This is where I'd usually include a blurb! EXCEPT in this case, because I didn't read the blurb!* 
 * I did, in fact, read the blurb but I have a goldfish brain so I forgot it by the time I started reading the book
And it really changed the opening for me. It's not like the premise is super unexpected, I just was lucky enough to be in the story enough that I wasn't figuring out the plot before it happened! So I'm not writing the blurb here so you can have the same experience, if you want it. (If not, here is the link to the Goodreads page so you can read it: TA DA)

AND instead of a blurb I'm just going to write some general aesthetic/vibe points here!

Crows//Plague Doctors//Magic//Caste system//Main character who's doing a pretty impressive job given the circumstances but has some CRAZY imposter syndrome going on//Confident but semi annoying boy //And another wet napkin boy who whines a lot // There is also a pet cat //And an evil stepmother// The first couple of chapters were AMAZING and the rest was just ok //but the second book was GOOD so I'm glad I read it


 It was really interesting to be in the main character's head. I thought the sarcastic inner dialog was relatable and interesting. Also, oof. The imposter syndrome. 

I thought the other characters were interesting and helped the story along. Even the two who most annoyed me made the story better. One of them, though whiny, drove the story by simply existing and being a motivation for other characters.  (Also, he saved the cat so good for him.) And the other made an impact on the story too with his actions, so whee!

“Fie remembered the first time she’d held Phoenix fire. She hadn’t wanted to burn the world down; she’d wanted the world to know she could.”


Other Things

 THE MONEY DANCE AT THE BEGINNING? AAH! The aesthetic of a bunch of people in crow beaked plague doctor masks, making horrible metal on stone screeching sounds on the stone with their shoes and weaving in and out in a huge circle to intimidate someone into giving them money? The dramatic slytherin vibes? UM YES PLEASE AND THANK YOU! 


“He looked at you the same way you look at roads. [...] Like where they go frightens you, and you love them for it.”


4.5/5 Stars


  1. Replies
    1. I know I would recommend it to lots of people, but I ESPECIALLY recommend it to you! Like if someone asked me to pick 5 books to recommend to you, this would be one of them!


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