And Another Tag

I really need to stop doing this.

But I like tags...

The particular tag, which I snagged off of Ilse The Imanginer, is called The A-Z Book Tag.

Author You've Read The Most From: 
I think I already answered this question in another tag, but the author I've read the most of THIS year is: Marissa Meyer
Best Sequel Ever:
This has to go to Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, the second book in Ally Carter's the Gallagher Girl Series.

Currently Reading: 
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Drink of Choice While Reading:
Tea. I love coffee, but that's more of a "while you work" kind of drink. Tea is the best for when you just want to sink into the story.

E-reader or Physical Book:
Always the physical book. It smells good and I love the sound of the pages turning.

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Dated in High School:
Well, I'm in HS now and I haven't been on a date (and probably won't date until college, 'cause who needs all that drama?) But...what type of person would I have dated, if I dated somebody?
I think I would have ended up with either,
A.) Some extroverted person who hung out in my social circles (aka the people my friends talk to while I stand there, planning my escape) and started talking to me or talking to me while I sit near my friends and reading a book.
B.) Another introvert, maybe an INTJ, who was also standing there and then we'd get into a discussion about how small talk is stupid, la de dah.
Soooo either somebody who how is happy and bubbly and will make me do stuff, or somebody who will sit back and make snide comments about people with me or discuss whatever thing I happen to be over analyzing at the time.
I'm not really sure who that would be.

(So comment below and tell me who you think the A could be and how the B. character could be.)

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:

I was going to say Sylvester or the Wicked Uncle by Georgette Heyer, but honestly. I'm getting really tired of typing that out all the time, so the Skulduggery Pleasant Series.

Hidden Gem Book:

What does that even mean? You mean an awesome book that isn't uber popular or....

Important Moment In Your Reading Life

Like, as in my life so far since I started reading or as in my reading life right now?
Like, one could be when I started reading literally everything in the house, (which is a lot) or when I pick out a new book, sit down and start reading it.

Just Finished:
Make Your Bed, by Admiral William McRaven.
It's actually a speech that ex-navy seal McRaven gave to the graduating class of Texas something or other, so its more of a short booklet. But I liked it.

Kind of Book You Won't Read:

I'll read basically anything.
Unless it's on fire.
Probably won't read a flaming book.

Major Book Hangover:
My two biggest book hangovers this year were from Heartless by Marissa Meyer, and the Throne of Glass Series by Sara J Maas.
 I coped with Heartless by naming some weapons after them (If you've read the book, then I assume you can guess who the daggers Insanity, Vengeance, Misery, and Silence are named after.)
I coped with TOG with a intense round on the heavy bag. (And yes, I imagined it was...HER face.)

Number of Bookcases You Own: 
I don't actually own that many bookcases. Or books. (Not personally anyway.) So one.

One Book You've Read Many Times:
I've read so many books so many times. The Ranger's Apprentice series, the Gallagher Girls series, the Percy Jackson series....

Preferred Place To Read:
It changed by the seasons. Either the recliner, my bed, by the fire (yes, we have a wood fire place. Be jealous.) or in a sunbeam (Yes. I am actually a cat)

Quote That Inspires You, Gives You All The Feels, etc.

"To Whatever End"-Tog

"We're staying together. I'm not letting you get away from me. Never again"
"As long as we're together." -Mark of Athena

"Will! Stay alive! Don't give up! I will find you wherever they take you!" -Ranger's Apprentice

(Need to go cry? Ok. I'll wait a moment.)

Reading Regret:

I regret nothing!

Series You Started And Need to Finish:

Skulduggery Pleasant Series by Derek Landy. I was reading it and then..well basically, the books weren't sitting right there and I got busy with school and my novel... So I need to pick up the last three books and finish.

Three of Your All Time Favorite Books:

Cross My Heart and Hope To Spy- Second Book of Ally Carter's Gallagher Girls series

Unapologetic Fangirl for:

Excuse me? I'm not apologizing to anyone because I like something. Whatever books I'm reading or TV shows I'm watching isn't hurting you and just...YESH!

Unapologetic everything.

Very Excited For This Release:

Ship of the Dead, by Rick Riordan. (PERCABETH!)

(I also just realized, all you Malex shippers out there...they are both dead. It is the ship of the dead.)

Worst Book Habit:
I have to moods. "READ EVERYTHING" and "Meh. I'll read later....maybe"
In the later one, I neglect my books for school and writing. In the former, I neglect my school and writing in favor of my books. I either read and read and read or I don't pick up a book for months.

X Marks The Spot! Start at the top of your shelf, and pick the 27th Book: 
The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale.

Your Last Book Purchase:
I honestly cannot remember the last book I bought for myself. I normally read library books or whatever my family and friends have.

ZZZ Snatcher-Last Book You Stayed Up Late to Read:
Sylvester or The Wicked Uncle by Georgette Heyer.
I used to stay up late reading, but lately most of my writing time had been at night. So I haven't stayed up reading, because I just kind of put everything aside and write once everyone else goes to bed....

Ok. That's it! I wrote down all the questions and stuck them below (if you want to do this tag, just copy and paste. I mean you can write them all down if you want to...)

Obviously. you're all tagged.

Sorry (not sorry) the answer to F. was really long. I had to stop and consider and then I ended up being a totally INTJ and just over analyzing the whole question...


-Mary Kate-

THE QUESTIONS  --------------------------------------------

Author You've Read The Most From: 
Best Sequel Ever:
Currently Reading: 
Drink of Choice While Reading:
E-reader or Physical Book:
Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Dated in High School:
Glad You Gave This Book A Chance
Hidden Gem Book
Important Moment In Your Reading Life
Just Finished
Kind of Book You Won't Read
Major Book Hangover
Number of Bookcases You Own
One Book You've Read Many Times
Preferred Place To Read 
Quote That Inspires You, Gives You All The Feels, etc.
Reading Regret
Series You Started And Need to Finish 
Three of Your All Time Favorite Books
Unapologetic Fangirl for: 
Very Excited For This Release
Worst Book Habit:
X Marks The Spot! Start at the top of your shelf, and pick the 27th Book: 
Your Last Book Purchase
ZZZ Snatcher-Last Book You Stayed Up Late to Read


  1. oh my gosh what a fun tag Mary Kate! Love it!


  2. Mary Kateeeeeeee, why? Why did you do this to me?!?! You know that I have no control when it comes to doing tags like you!!! XD
    Anyways, Imma do this, but for the sake of my non-lovin' tag readers (because I've gotten emails and comments saying that they miss the other posts), I'll do this sometime next month!

    1. What ever makes you think I have any self control?

  3. Arrrgghhh.....gosh darn it Mary Kate, I gotta enough on my plate without you adding to it....

    As much as I like tags, I think I'm gonna follow Gray's example and let this one hold off for a bit.



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