Beautiful People: June

It's time for Beautiful People again!

And since I'm in the middle of doing Character Reviews, I decided to make this week Kerra Week.
(Which basically just means that I'm doing BP about Kerra and my other people review on Thursday  will be about Kerra.)

And since that seems kind of pathetic, I am also doing a poll!

(*sarcastic wheee*)

You can find the poll to your right.
How do you peoples like the MC's name? Do you think it would it be better spelled Kerra or Keira?

 (It's pronounced Kear-a)

(And by better I mean aesthetically pleasing)

Anyway, back to Beautiful People.

This Character Questionnaire is a blog link up hosted by Sky at Further Up and Further In and Cait at Paper Fury. You can find the link to the post HERE.
The link up is open all month.

What's their favorite place they've ever visited? 

The Ashen Mountains on the kingdoms western coast. Not many people live in them, because legend says they are haunted and fairies frolic there.

What's one mistake they made that they learned from?

One time when she was traveling, she trusted the person she was traveling with to watch the trails as they rode during his watch. He slacked off and they were ambushed. She learned not to trust other people to do their work or at least not to rely on them.

What is their favorite subject in school? Or their favorite thing to learn about?

Assassin-y skills that involve stealth, or agility.

Favorite flower or growing thing? 

This one random mountain flower that grows in the Ashen Mountains.

Have they ever made someone cry? What happened? 

She kind of sacrificed herself for them...

Would you consider them a reliable or unreliable narrator? 

What do they dream about at night?
Either nightmares or pleasant dreams of what she could have. (which actually make her feel worse, because she knows they can't ever happen.)

They've gone out for a "special meal." What do they get? 

Fire roasted hare. Or some random Fairy meal. (which sadly they don't make in "The Mortal Lands.") 

What's at least one thing they want to do before they die?

Go back to her home in the Ashen Mountains and spend her time running through the pine trees and hunting. Restart her life.

Do they have any distinguishing or unique talents? 

She is lighter in her feet then most people and very flexible.

Ta da!

Be sure to hop over to the poll on the side and cast your vote!



  1. She sounds like a lot of fun! I always wish book characters were real because I would be better friends with them than real people!!

  2. I did the poll. I think Keira is a beautiful spelling. I always liked odd spellings of names, as you can see by my pen name. And my real name is pretty normal, but the spelling is different.

    I like how you do character evaluations on here. Maybe I could start doing that. It might help me get closer to letting people read my work for once. This was an awesome post. :D

  3. She sounds cool! I did the character-question-things and made my character answer the Q's. Let's just say, it's still sitting in it's file...unfinished. Lol
    Wait.....NO! I DID finish one. Lol I feel proud. I love asking questions about your characters. Though, I always get the best traits for them when I don't have a notebook handy. The struggles of a writer.
    Does Kerra (I chose that spelling in the poll) have a person that is so close to her that she'd tell him\her her feelings? Or what she's struggling with? *You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, but I'd really like to know.*
    Good post, and God bless. ;)

  4. You had me at fairies and Assassin-y. Kiera sounds awesome!

    1. Thank you!
      I really need to do a post explaining the fairies in this world.... They aren't quite Tinker Bell.

      Mary Kate


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