The Importance of Creating Friendships // GUEST POST BY IVIE

I was going to write you an intro, but this is too funny.  So I'll just stick the link back to her blog in the intro and let her go!



You may be wondering (unless MK gave a whole explanation above, which would totally make this less funny, but whatever.) why I'm here.

Well, the short answer is MK kidnapped me, tied me up, and forced me to write this post for her blog while she sits in college classes, learning stuff. 



I've actually taken over MK's blog while she wasn't looking, so now y'all are stuck with me. 

Let's also ignore the fact that I am writing this post last minute. Well, not really last minute, but I should have had it ready a long time ago.

Today's topic is Creating Friendships.

Many of us on this blog have blogs of our own. And one thing I think is the BEST thing that came out of my blogging experience is the true friendships I've made. I used to be a big believer that you couldn't make real friendships with people online because you don't know them and they don't know you. But then I entered the blogging world, only expecting a couple followers and a few comments. Actually, I expected mostly hate comments because my blog's original purpose was going to be rants. 

(High five if you remember by ranting days.)

But, I found a lot of people who I consider great friends now. 

And I think it's important we remember that a person behind the screen is a person. They have blood in their veins and dreams in their heads. They have feelings, thoughts, ideas, passions, hopes, goals, fears, and so much more. They are more than just a comment on the screen or a number in your followers list.

Now, that doesn't mean that every person who follows your or comments will be your friend. But you will find some who you are close to, who mean a lot to you. I know I have. 

I think it's important to create friendships with people online.

It is VERY important to be careful. People aren't always what they seem. Use your gut instinct. You have one and if you aren't in touch with it, maybe it's time to take a break from the internet for a little while and redirect your focus.

Anyway, back to the main point. 

Yes, some people online may be mean, but there are so many nice people as well. People who will have your back and you'll have theirs. 

(Is this sappy, or what?)

I feel very blessed to have formed some AMAZING friendships with people I know from blogging because, for a while, they were the only friends I had. Now that I'm out at work most days, I have friends, but I know I can always turn to my blog friends for conversations about books and Biblical topics, things that not all my friends from work are interested in. 

So tell me, have you formed any meaningful friendships through your blogging experience?
~Ivie Brooks
Living Life for Jesus//Author//Dreamer//Taking the Road Less Traveled 
1 Timothy 4:12


  1. Aw, I love this post, Ivie! I've only had a blog for a couple months now, but I've been reading blogs regularly for about a year. And truly, the blogging community is so sweet and welcoming and encouraging, that I consider many of them friends. :)

    Love this post! <3 (and hopefully MK will release you from captivity soon....xD)

    1. I will consider it, but only because I'm running out of blueberry poptarts to feed her ;P
      (The cherry ones are all mine and I will not share)

  2. I would say the majority of my friendships were formed and maintained online. Most of my friends I've never actually met in real life, but that doesn't mean they don't mean a ton to me.

    I really loved this post, girl! Every bit was so true!

  3. Me: *scrolls through blogger feed* Oh, yeah, Ivie's gone...wait...IVIE'S POSTING

    It's like that meme that goes something along the lines of...

    Me: I miss's so sad she's gone...
    Ivie: *guest posts*
    Me: It's like I can still hear her voice...

    I honestly did not expect to make such good friends through blogging. It's been wonderful getting to know so many other young writers and watch them grow as well. It's just wonderful.

    1. lol, I know. I saw her post the day or so after she sent me the post.

  4. It’s an honor to be your friend, ya, and thanks for this post!

  5. Blogging is so amazing, I met so many great people on here (including you and MK, Ivie!) <3

  6. Not gonna lie, my intro is HILARIOUS! XD XD Seriously, tho, send help, she has me tied to a chair, peeps. XD XD XD


    It's an honor to have y'all as friends. (Including you, MK. You have sharpened my sarcasm skills. <3)

    I love y'all. Y'all are the best ever and I'm so glad God blessed me with friends I know I can turn to, even when we're all thousands of miles apart. <3

    1. Its a recliner, so does that really count as a chair?

  7. I met so many friends through blogging. It's one of the best parts about it.

  8. This is so true, though. I’ve met so many amazing people through blogging. Great post!

  9. *high fives you Ivie*

    So true!!! I've met a lot of girls through blogging, and many have become close in the year that I've been blogging (especially those ones through Rebellious Writing, love y'all :) )

    Awesome post, Ivie!

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