2021 Writing Bucket List

 Ah. Such simple deliberately vague goals. Should be easy to do, right! It SHOULD but won't. 



Try to write at least 3,000 Words a month

*has flashback to when I wrote every night and every night was at least 3k*



Try and get a second draft (any second draft) to the point where I feel like its done (story-wise) and just needs minor revisions and editing


Complete another NaNoWriMo

Since I won't be in school (unless I go to grad school sooner than planned) November NaNo should be fine, but if I complete a Camp NaNo instead, I'll count it. Its all about racking up that word count with friends, right? 


Finally write out the plot for a bunch of the roughly (mentally) plotted stories floating around. 

I don't expect to have a lot of time to write (at least work semi-consistently on a single story) so it seems like a good time to crank out a few fully plotted stories!

What are your plans for 2020?


  1. Great goals, I'll be lucky if I do 1,000 a month, but I'm going to try.

    1. Yay! Writting together!

      Also, totally not happy about this for selfish reasons like (just for example) that fact that I really REALLY need to read more about your characters?????

  2. I love your goals! I'm glad that you're staying kind to yourself and allowing yourself to be flexible, what with college and such on your plate! That's always a good thing.

    What am I planning in 2021? Probably way too much, if I'm being honest.

    1. Well, I'M super excited to read THE NEXT TWO BOOKS OF YOUR SERIES!!!


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