Eight Down. Four to Go//End of August


This Months Posts: 

I'm Back // End of July 
Book Review: THE ART OF FRENCH KISSING by Brianna R. Shrum
Writing Update from Camp NaNo '18 and Current Project
Open Road Summer: Book Review with Lilah from Musical Writings! Sort of?
The First Book You've Ever Read Challenge 
5 Nonfiction Books I Loved, What They Were About, And What I Learned From Them 
No Post Today
Snippets From My (Secret) Project + Food
Awkward and Awesome: Blogging

Most Viewed This Month: 

Writing Update from Camp NaNo '18 and Current Project

(Close second:  Snippets From My (Secret) Project + Food)

(Which is kind of surprising since its only been out a week now?)


Well...this is awkward.

I've read NOTHING new this month...


Stupid college


I moved out of my home and into a tiny room they call "a dorm." Tis exciting! Tis small! Tis not a very convincing lie! (Well, the small part isn't a lie...)

I thought they were lying about the cafeteria food being gross. It wasn't this bad when we toured the campus...I think they switched out the food when the prospective students came in...



  1. "I think they switched out the food when the prospective students came in." That is hilarious. I would pity you, except I'm on a smoothie and pureed food diet after getting my wisdom teeth out, and I'm desperate to actually chew and crunch on things...

  2. Oh wow. MK read nothing. I don't know if I can handle this right now. Like... HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??????

    I just can't do this right now. What??????

    I'm just messing with you. I'm sorry food is gross. Is there a way you can cook your own food?? (Idk much about dorm rooms. I feel stupid for asking.) Hey, if you aren't enjoying yourself, there's always that cabin in the woods you're retreating to when I take over the world. XD

  3. I always wondered how bad the food must really be.
    Hope your enjoying college life!

  4. haha, yes, they entice you with the best food when they come in, and it becomes progressively worse as the school year goes on. It's not so bad when you eat occasionally, but....(my family never really believed me when I said the food was bad).

  5. Great job! you did a lot of postings this months.

  6. Oh dear I pity you if the food is that bad. xD Any chance you can cook??

    I hope you have a good September, and settle into college well! :)

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