Things I Did While Procrastinating Midterms Pt 2

I know what you're thinking...

Wow MK. You really procrastinated a lot!

Yeah well, midterms was two weeks long and I have 25 credits so I need to take breaks once in awhile. And hey, I still got everything done.

The first post: Things I Did While Procrastinating Midterms Pt 1



  • I made this post and typed up "The Rat Story" (see pt. 1 for first mention of rat story)
  • Did some NaNoWriMo Prep
    (AKA, wasted time on Pinterest, mostly pinning stuff to storyboards that I'm not even working on this November)
  • Watched this video
  • Had Cotton Eye Joe stuck in my head for a couple days as punishment for that video
  • Read a bunch of blog posts (but didn't comment on many of them. I AM SORRY)
  • Watched parts of a couple horror movies with my roommate. Was not horrified. At least, not unless you count being horrified by poor life choices.WHO HAD THE GREAT IDEA TO SPLIT UP. DO YOU WANT THE MURDER TO SLOWLY PICK YOU OFF ONE BY ONE? HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF THE BUDDY SYSTEM?
  • Also the lack of common sense in general. So many flaws in their logic. "Welp! There's demons! Nothing we can do." Like SON. PUT SOME BLESSED SALT IN THE CORNERS OF THE ROOMS YOU NINNY. AND CALL AN EXORCIST WHEN THINGS START GETTING WEIRD. AT THE VERY LEAST HAVE A PRIEST BLESS YOUR HOUSE. USE SOME HOLY WATER.
  • Ok there was very little actual yelling at the TV. TBH it was mostly me asking them, "So what is this about" and them explaining it and I'm standing there with an energy drink and a pencil behind my ear like, "...And they didn't bless the house first? Or call anyone when literal demons started acting out? Huh." And then walking away.
    The "spooky season" has been hard on us all
  • I started watching Criminal Minds with my roommates. (Basically they heard that I'd never watched it and were like YOU'VE NEVER WATCHED CRIMINAL MINDS and then turned on the first episode. Can't wait to get them back with NCIS.)

  • And it was interesting so I watched a few more. And then I just kind of needed something on it the background while I studied...Which ended up mostly distracting me...
    And that was...a week ago? (From when I wrote this) and I just finished the Season 3 Finale last night...
  • But anyway, as promised at the beginning of the post here is....

    My "Friend" the Rat

    So basically one of my roommates has emotional support animals. AKA Remy and Rascal, the rats

    When I first moved in, their cage was seated by the couch. And I sat at the couch so they would always stare at me
    And I thought they were kind of gross but was starved for animal affection so occasionally I would give them treats, like carrots.(This has nothing to do with the story other than to show the true extent of their betrayal)

    Now, Rascal is a jerk and has started biting people when they stick their fingers in the cage. (Which may actually be largely related to the fact that everyone just sticks their treats through the bars instead of opening the doors...) So I don't stick my finger in the cage to pet them when Rascal is there. (The cage has also been moved, not that that is relevant either)

    Anyway, I was pointing at them with my finger (pinky) and I didn't even think it was that close to the bars much less kind of THROUGH the bar. And beside, Remy was the only was nearby and not very close at that. But she must have thought I had a treat because she LUNGED over and bit my finger. 

    There was a brief second where I could just see her little mouth open with her tiny little fangs. And she bit me!

    Hard enough to draw blood :(

    So naturally I washed it, checked with the owner to make sure they didn't have any interesting diseases (they didn't. A vet confirmed before the semester started.) And I'm up to date on Tetanus shots (Yay for working with horses)

    And it was a small puncture wound so it hurt for awhile and my finger was kind of sore. (I'm glad I don't type much with my pinky... that would have made writing that week's papers fun...)

    And then I proceeded to make jokes about it to everyone and then never explained it!

    But anyway...I have four long papers to write before the end of the week, several Professors to email, two readings that need to be done, and homework to do. In the words of Prince Humperdinck, "I'm swamped."






  1. In the wise words of yet another Princess Bride character, "Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything." XD XD

    But I am still lowkey impressed you managed to get everything done while still doing all of that. *round of applause*

    1. Me? Rest? I suppose it's possible...pig

      Though on the theme of Princess Bride quotes...I think I'm going to start quoting Westley when people are shocked about 25 credits.
      "You won't survive!"
      "Nonsense! You're just saying that because nobody has"

      I'm sure there have been other crazy people who have done 25 or even more than 25 credits...but still :)

  2. love this post! ♥️ also i'm still in shock that you're taking 25 CREDITS. HOW?!?!

    1. Coffee powers me.

      I mean, actually its Arizona sweet tea (the Green Tea and Ginseng and Honey flavor? *chef's kiss*. And the occasional Monster drink (Chaos when I can get it and Ultra Sunshine when I can't)
      Coffee DOES play a part though too

      Don't worry. I'm making sure I don't overdose on caffeine :D

  3. "I'm swamped." <--- *dies of laughter* But really, that quote is my life. XD Thank you, thank you, for an explanation to the rat story!

    1. Princess Bride quotes are the best.
      I love Ha! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!
      That and when anyone is talking about Philosophy and makes the mistake of saying, "Plato, Aristotle, Socrates..." in that order I try and chime in with "MORONS."


      I might be guilty of pretending I don't know who classic philosophers are to trick people into saying the line. But I'm innocent until proven guilty :D

  4. Oof, the rat-- that stinks. I'm glad it was a domestic rat, though! Because I was building up a mental picture where you were ambushed by a wild dorm-rat of some kind, which attacked you until you killed it with a textbook. XD
    I'm glad that's not what happened.

    1. I kept casually mentioning the rats/befriending them the first week and then mentioned that they were in a cage or something and my sister was like OH! They're PETS.

      Honestly, wouldn't be surprised if there were wild rats here though XD

  5. My cousin had rats and they chewed a hole in my shirt. I'm not a fan XD
    I love Criminal Minds, especially Reid. He's my favorite.


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