Hey, I'm Going To Get You Too // November Recap

Blog Things:

 This months posts: 

Write What You Know: Farming II // Winter Chores
Books With Musicians
Food + Snippets + (Almost) Half Way Joy
Winter TBR

In other blog news, the dreaded vague spam comments returned! So the comments are once again under moderation. This means I'll forget to check all the time and it'll be a huge mess! Whee!
Book Things:
I read two books. Which isn't very impressive, but I was also finishing up the semester and struggling with NaNoWriMo. AND! I read every book on my winter TBR list! I finished all the books on a TBR list!
It was only two books, but I think we should be focusing on the positive things here. :D


Monthly Book Suggestion: 
My favorite of the two was Thunderhead, the sequel to Scythe. GOODNESS GRACIOUS. THE DRAMA. THE ENDING?! *cries*

Writing Things:
I wasn't planning on doing NaNo (and ended up deciding at the last minute.) Mainly because my current project isn't in the first draft stage and I really want to focus on TBP. (The Big Project, also known as The Secret One MK Won't Tell Anyone About) But since I didn't decide until the last minute, I didn't get to do a lot of NaNoWriMo prep. But I decided it was something I wanted to do and jumped in unprepared!

FIRST WEEK: (Nov 1-8)
From luck of the draw, I had a weekend off that first week and I got SO much done. I reached 10k in the first couple of days. And by the 7th, I reached 19k!

SECOND WEEK: (Nov 9-15)
I have reached the point where I have read through the story so many times that I can't stand it. Someone remove it from my sight.  

THIRD WEEK: (Nov 16-22)
Ok...I've figured out most of the macro edits...now I just have to finish the rewrite! And then there are still MANY scenes that need to be added to, but I'm not even sure if I'll be able to do that this month. Right now my plan is to just hit the word count goal this month and try to finish (or mostly finish) the second draft by the end of December. 

FOURTH WEEK: (Nov 23-30)
Obviously, this week isn't going to be complete for the month (since this post is going up the 26th...) There will be (probably) a post on the 30th, but who knows?

Favorite Snippet! 

"Well, I didn’t think that a pair of eyeballs would just be floating out there on their own!”

That was my November. I don't know how I managed to balance that with an 18 credit hour course load, but I did. Excuse me while I go die of exhaustion and/or sleep for three days!



  1. Love that snippet! I haven't read any books this month... and nano just did not happen for me.
    There is a way you can prevent scams with out changing the comments.


    1. A way to get rid of scammers? oOoh! Do tell!

    2. This place helped me
      Ive only for one strange comment since.

    3. Thank you! I'm going to have to try that out!


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