20 Things I Learned About Myself Before 20

For the previous posts see HERE and HERE
For Lia's matching post, see HERE

1. What I would do in a life-threatening situation (be bored for the most part?)

2. What my Myers Briggs type is (INTJ), Hogwarts house (Slytherin!!!) my sign (Capricorn), and all sorts of other boxes people willing put themselves into!

3. That I love heights. Like REALLY love heights.

4. I can go a surprisingly long time on 3 hours (or less!) of sleep!

5. I have a high pain tolerance I know how to focus on breathing and just work through pain

6. My family is one of, if not the, most important things in my life

7. My values include honor, duty, service, family, country, and my faith

8. I really like doing things that challenge me a little bit, but are still something I perceive as doable. And I push my mental limits on “doable” often

9. I like solving problems and sometimes that’s nice because I help people when I can and sometimes it causes problems because I spend too much energy on other people’s problems and not enough on my own

10. That I don’t have a type. JK. I totally have a type but…I don’t believe in restricting love to a body type and while I may be attracted to certain people, their personality is what hooks me. (Believe me, I’ve seen some cute guys and then watched how they interact with other people for like…2 minutes and been like NOPE)

11. I DO actually like compliments, despite what I say. I just only like it when it has meaning. If some random dude says, “YOU’RE GORGOUS. LIKE, DROP DEAD” (Actual quote. I can’t tell if he meant drop dead gorgeous or that I was so pretty I should die. IDK) I’m like… “Mmmkay. Thanks?”

 But if my tough professor said, “Good job on that presentation” in a basically monotone voice I’d be like “!!!!!” and then spend the next three days like THE CRANKY PROFESSOR SAID I DID A GOOD JOB!!!!

12. That I handle pressure well

13. I’m a teeny tiny bit of a huge massive overachiever

14. That when I talk about #Careerstuff, I go into PROFESSIONAL MODE. [Lia actually pointed this out to me. Lia, another friend, and I were at an event and every time career goals etc questions came up, me and the friend (based on whoever it was directed to) would stand a little straighter, put our feet in kind of a power stance and little things like our voice and hand gestures would change]

15. I don’t do well with clingy over-affectionate guys? LIKE, I AM SORRY SIR! YOU CAN’T KEEP LITERALLY TEXTING ME BACK WITHIN A SECOND OF ME TEXTING YOU. I mean, you can under certain circumstances, like if we’re both there texting back and forth. But if I’m literally texting back every 25 minutes (because I was studying and using the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused) and you text back within the minute? KINDA WEIRD
I mean, that's borderline creepy...but just overall overly affectionate people who you know are the kind to be like LETS SPEND ALL OUR TIME TOGETHER! And I'm there like I DON'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO SPEND TIME WITH MYSELF BRO

16. That I'm not sure if I believe in soulmates, but I DO believe that there are many different people that you could start a life with happily and many paths in life you could take that all end with you happy

17. That I don't actually like ice cream

I KNOW. Its crazy! Who the heck doesn't like ice cream?
But I noticed that in the last two years or so...I've never (or almost never) finished a bowl of ice cream or any ice cream dish unless it was served with something else (like cobbler) or turned into a drink 

 I think its because I get bored eating it. Like, you don't chew it, the texture never changes...It's just terribly boring. I think its the same reason I don't like eating pea soup. I don't mind the flavor (and throw some kielbasa or brat slices in there and hand me a soft pretzel and I'll eat it for the rest of my life) but who wants to put mush in their mouth?

18.  It's a good thing I'm not a politician or I would be Empress of the World by now.

19. That in the romance cliche "Emotionally closed off or extremely in control of his emotions guy who works too much and the quirky happy girl who makes him want to live/love again"

... I am the guy

20. I was once asked if it was easy for myself to speak kindly to myself or to practice self-love...and since I can't think of a final point, I'm just going to paste my answer here:

[NOTE: Beware! Involves MK talking without her normal professional/public filter!]

IDK if you could call it LOVE or speaking kindly...It's more like, "My body is a tool/weapon/machine and needs to be taken care of" and "I'm so stressed that I can't work effectively or to my best ability and I need to de-stress in order to get shit done." = show love to yourself mentally and physically

And "I know my worth" and "When I'm calling myself a pathetic piece of worthless shit its more in a drill sergeant way and not in the 'catty girl who hates you way" and I wouldn't take offense at someone who knew me as well as I know myself calling me out for not working as hard as I know I can (and there is nobody who knows me as well as I know me) = I talk kindly to myself

[What I meant by "in a drill sergeant way" is being a bit blunt and harsh in order to motivate someone to reach their full potential]



  1. #11--YESSSSSS. If it's from someone who always gives out compliments...? No effect. But if I get a karate-related compliment from my hyper-critical karate teacher...I'm over the moon for hours! Maybe we should all become grumpy and critical, so compliments will actually mean something. XD

    #19--you're not alone in this. I'm also the guy. :)

  2. All of these line up so much with you being INTJ, my dad is one. And he always seems disgusted by over affectionate people. XD

  3. #11, same, same, same. If it's a compliment to me about something that I can't change our didn't have any say with, then I don't care. But, if it is something that I put a lot of work into and tried hard and succeeded then I LOVE compliments. But, if I feel that I could've done better, I still don't like compliments.

    #17, I don't like ice cream, either! It is overrated.


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