Did My Time, Took My Chances // February Recap 2020

Wow guys. This month has been even crazier than January. I mean, midterms, editing The Hedgehog King, and two instances where I could have died! (I didn't in case you were wondering.)

This Month's Posts:

Other Blogging News:

I finally rewrote my "About Me" page. Phew.
Some interesting posts from around the blogging world:
(which I loved cause HORSES and WRITING!) 
 (which basically reminded me to not ditch my novel, though its in the third draft rather than the first)
Keep Going//It's Worth It from Snapper
(which also got me motivated to keep at it with my current draft and life in general)
More Overheard At College/ Also An Update On My Writing from The Little Bookworm
(which was amazing because I actually caught myself thinking, "Ah. That reminds me of when I was back in college. I'M IN COLLEGE.")


Writing in February. 

Well, it started out pretty weak not gonna lie. I did nothing in the first two weeks.
But it was a good break and I feel motivated to keep working on it and really make it amazing instead of just "getting it done" by the deadline. 
The deadline that I set. That I literally made up. 

But then I got a little motivation and started editing the next chapter! So things are looking up!

And I made some progress with one of the character's development and arc plan by brainstorming with my best alpha Alioth! 


“You keep the king of your country in a corner behind a curtain?” 

Books Read This Month: 2

Monthly Book Suggestion: 
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare

I'd watched the 1993 film version by Kenneth Branagh and LOVED it and loved the play just as much. The SASS and WIT between Benedick and Beatrice. The plot to get them together. The DRAMA. 

I actually bought a kindle collection of basically every Shakespearean play! 
With this novel, my tally of Shakespearean plays is 4!
The Twelfth Night
Julius Caesar
As You Like It
Much Ado About Nothing

I rewatched The Lizzy Bennet Diaries
(which if you don't know, its a video series and its a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice)

Which reminded me of the other series by the same people (same creators, different actors) Emma Approved, a retelling of Emma by Jane Austen.

Which of course reminded me of the Green Gable Fables series (similar concept but by different people) about Anne of Green Gables and the following series.

The fire alarm in my building went off! So I (with a very resigned and bored attitude), made sure my roommate was awake as I put on my shoes, grabbed my coat, my phone, and a book. Yes. I grabbed a book.
Not because I was desperate to save it. (I was pretty sure that there was no fire and it was just a drill) I left my laptop after all! I grabbed the book because I figured we'd be stranded outside for a while and I'd get bored.
I ended up getting cold and actual fire trucks started arriving, so my roommate and I went to a nearby building and we found a classroom facing our building.
My plan was, if it actually started to burn, to find some violin music and play it on my phone, just for the irony and historic humor.

I was a tad bit annoyed that I didn't grab my computer, what with the firetrucks and all...but I wasn't too worried since there was no smoke/flames in my hallway, so I assumed the firemen would be able to put it out before it got too far and The Hedgehog King Draft 3 went up in smoke.

The building did not burn down (which is good since I would have had to revert back to the last draft of The Hedgehog King I shared with Alphas. And while two of my alphas read it over Christmas break, I didn't share the document with them. SO THE ONLY DRAFT I WOULD HAVE HAD WOULD HAVE BEEN THE FIRST DRAFT. I would have lost the Second Draft and the macro edits and all the line edits I've done since.)
Though as we were all standing outside, one guy said, "See? That girl came prepared! She brought a book!"

Of course, I had the same bored attitude about the second threat too. I was more worried about a quiz that I took about at the beginning of class that day than I was about potentially dying. 

How do you react to life-threatening events? Do you want to hear about the other threat to my life? (It's slightly more dramatic but just as uneventful...) Do you have a favorite Shakespearean play? Which one should I read next?


  1. I love the movie version of Much Ado About Nothing! <3 Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson are so good!!!

    MK, your just going to leave us stranded with that news?? Yes, I want to know the other incident!!

    1. YES! The scene with the chair in the garden was a masterpiece on its own. XD And the line about "Yes and a case to put it in" gets me every time.

      I'll add the story into the comments :D

  2. Totally stealing the idea of those headers. I love them :)

    And by the way, the fire alarms in a college are directly wired to the fire department. Which means fire trucks HAVE to come in order for them to be shut off. And if it's a pull, heaven help the person because then you have the wrath of the whole dorm on you (or in the case of me when I accidently burned the popcorn and set off the alarm my freshman year, a double dorm. Ya know, just to add dramatics).

    1. I'm always happy to have inspired somebody else so steal away! Can't wait to see them in your posts!

      True, but the school alerts the fire department when they run drills. (Or I assume because when they ran a scheduled drill last semester no trucks turned up. And certainly no trucks with sirens! Though the campus police showed up both times.)

      But! Given the fact that they let us in within an hour or so of the trucks showing up tells me it wasn't an actual fire. Even if it was a little one, the firemen would have had to check the whole building and in all the ceilings and everything just to make sure the fire really was out. And that would have taken FOREVER. Or so a fireman tells me.

      So it was probably a pulled alarm or someone burning popcorn :D

      Oh no! You set off the alarm! That is dramatic! Hopefully it wasn't in the winter right after a good snowfall!

  3. I'm so glad my post inspired you. <333 Sounds like a great much, full of adventures... and life-threatening events. o.o I'm so glad your novel was saved!!

    1. I'm glad I read it and was inspired!
      Thank you! I'm happy its safe too (though you'd think I would back up my hard drive or download it or email it to myself or something...but NOPE)

  4. SO! The story!
    I'm sitting in class and we just had a pop quiz (which I aced) and this guy sticks his head in the door and calmly says, "There may be an active shooter in the building. We heard something that sounded kind of like firecrackers from the first floor and so you need to either barricade or evacuate."
    We were on the third floor and there is a handy sky bridge escape route so off we marched!

    And yes, I alert and keeping an eye and an ear on the doors at both ends of the hallway. But other than that? Completely calm. No tunnel vision or nothing. No signs that I was actually in shock or anything.

    I was more concerned about a pop quiz that was worth a measly 10 points.

    Anyway, we went to a safer area and waited until they checked the area. Turns out it was a false alarm. (I don't remember what happened, but the building has three stories and a basement. And the basement is all culinary training and kitchens and I think something broke? But like I said, I wasn't listening. And by listening I mean eavesdropping since they basically just told our professor. I know. So rude.)

    And then we all trooped back and finished class!

  5. You're the only person that i know who is calm during life threatening situations. lol Also now i want to re watch LBD...

    1. Lol, Im sure I'm not the only person.
      DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!

  6. Sounds like you had an interesting month. My month has been fairly good. I like your format for this post!


    1. Thanks! I thought I should try something new with the new year of blogging!
      I'm glad you had a good month!

  7. AHHHH your calm response to the fire drill (and the shooting) is like #goals.

    But I'm glad you enjoyed my blog post. DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR DRAFT!!! <3

    1. I feel like I should make a sign for myself in the style of Oliver Perry's "Don't give up the ship" but as "DONT' GIVE UP THE DRAFT!"

  8. aw love this post! and aww, thx for linking my post! <3 the stuff i hear around campus *shakes head* lol.

    FIRE ALARMS. so far, we've had five or so fire alarms in our dorm (most of which have been at 2 - 3 am x_x), and so now whenever i hear the alarm, i'm just annoyed and not even worried about a fire, lol.

    <3 <3

    1. Fire alarms are just annoying :D
      The last time my building had a fire drill it was at ten in the morning. And I was the only person in my suite who had early morning classes...so of course I was pleased that they'd been woken up "early" after I'd already been to two classes XD

  9. Fire coming and eating all my books and writing is like a fear I refuse to think about much ;p I LOVE IT THAT YOU BROUGHT A BOOK, THOUGH! So funny!!

    MB> keturahskorner.blogspot.com
    PB> thegirlwhodoesntexist.com

    1. Thanks! It was a SCHOOL book even! (I mean, it looked like a normal reading book, but I was reading it for class)

  10. Love the snippet! I still need to write an about me page. XD

    1. Thank you!
      You don't have one? For some reason I never even noticed. Huh.


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