Dancing A Tightrope With You // March Recap




The Month's Posts:

Six of Crows // Books I Discovered On My Blogging Journey 

Gemina // Books I Discovered On My Blogging Journey

Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin // Books I Discovered On My Blogging Journey

Shakespeare // Books I Discovered On My Blogging Journey

Love and Gelato // Books I Discovered On My Blogging Journey

Crown of Shadows // Books I Discovered On My Blogging Journey

Books I Read for School // Or How I Gamed The System To Get Credits For Reading Books I Already Wanted To Read

Favorite Books From The First Quarter of 2021

Exciting Posts Coming Next Month: 

Well, you'll know it when you see it. It's coming up pretty quick so keep your eye out for it!

Exciting News From Around the Blogosphere: 

There was this awesome post from Samantha @ Bookshire, because the only thing better than starting a tag is accidentally creating a tag. (Also, the answers are really cool!)

She also did a post about women and action films 

Movie Critic did an awesome (spoiler free) review of The Avengers

Julian @ Saver of Memories and Sarah @ the Pen of a Ready Writer are looking for members of a street team for their publishing company

Brooke did a great post about writing for yourself

Skye wrote a post about adaptations and GUYS. I never knew Clueless was a retelling of Emma?

Lia is back! (And read a TON of books?!?) And had her blogoversary! 

And Sarcastic Scribblings hit 60,000 pageviews!!! 

Writing Goal Focus for March: Continue working on the two projects I decided to focus on until Camp NaNo, but feel free to wander from that path to work on plotting, world building, etc. from other projects. Let creativity run wild!

March's Word Count Goal: Write 3,000 words

Writing Progress and Word Count: A ha ha ha. In essays? VERY MUCH. In my WIPs? Zippo.

Writing Goal Focus for April: Survive. Write in possible. Plot stories for May after I am, at long last, free from school.

Next Month's Word Count Goal: Write 3,000 words? (Ha)

Books Read: 4

Book Reading Goals from March: Finish all the non-fiction books for the course if they're not already done by the end of February. Read at least two "fun" books, try a make one of them a re-read of an old favorite I haven't read in a long time.

A ha. The optimism. I did finish the last two books and re-read Crown of Shadows and The Queen's Crown by KM Shea. But other than that its been a constant stream of homework. I cry.

Highlights: One book was not a school related book OR a non fiction book so I was overjoyed to read it!

Monthly Book Suggestion: I'm actually not going to suggest a book this month since almost the entire month of March was dedicated to reviews of some of my all time favorite books!

Book Reading Goals for April: Survive the rest of the semester and final projects. Try and read fun books if possible. 

How was your March? Ooh! And are you doing Camp NaNo in April? (I still have no idea yet if I am)



  1. Thank you for featuring my posts, MK!
    It's totally true, the only thing better than starting a tag is accidentally creating one. XD XD (Not that I would *personally* know, but since I had a hand in accidentally creating your accidental tag, I think I get to agree with that quote. XD)

    "In essays? VERY MUCH. In my WIPs? Zippo." <<That...was pretty much my March, too. I don't think I'm doing April Camp, but I'm hoping to do July Camp...we'll see.

    I hope you survive the rest of the semester AND are able to read some fun things!

    1. Thank you for writing great posts!

      BLECH. Why does school take up so much writing time?
      I hope I survive too, LOL XD XD

  2. Thanks for the shoutout! I don't think I knew it was an adaption when I first watched it either. I like that people enjoy it regardless.

    I haven't been writing either. Best of luck with all your goals!

    1. I've actually never seen it...but now I think I'll make sure it hits my "To Watch" list :D

  3. Heya, I found your blog through Samantha's and it looks AH-MAY-ZING!!!!!!! Also CONGRATULATIONS on writing 3,000 words this month!!!! That is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!! <3333 *throws out party streamers and gives you your favorite kind of sweet* Lol, my book reading goals for April are EXACTLY the same as yours. ;) Well, I really enjoyed reading your post!!!!! It was AWESOME!!! <333

    Also, the title for this post was GENIUS!!!!! *tries so hard not to start randomly singing this is the greatest show* XD

    1. Hi!!
      It's always great to have new people! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

      Thank you! Last year I did Eye of the Tiger lyrics every week so when you put all the months together (which I do at the end of the year) it looked really cool. And the year before that is when I started using lyrics with Another One Bites the Dust. But I thought using lines from The Greatest Showman (which is the GREATEST) would be really fun!

  4. Aww, thanks for mentioning my post, MK! :D

    Everything you said about writing in March is me exactly. XD My goal for this NaNo is 10k, but everyday so far I've just sat staring at my computer screen without any writing at all. Great. XD

    1. Of course! I adore your blog and learning more about *clenches fist* the cinnamon topography


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