End of October// Aah! NaNoWriMo Starts Tomorrow!

Today is the last day of October.
Which means NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow.
Which means I am super excited and tense and adrenaline filled.

Posts This Month:

Book Reviews:  Awesome Dragons and Magic Castles
Capes, Coffee Shop & Cake//My NaNoWriMo Project
Sunshine and Summer! It's Tag Time!
NaNoWriMo Project: Meet Lily
NaNoWriMo Project: Meet Kace
Liebester Award 2017!
5 Books That Made Me Hungry + Cake
October's Beautiful Books: Capes, Coffee Shops, & Cake
Book Review: Wolf by Wolf and Blood for Blood
Write What You Know: Horse Girl Quirks


I finished the final preparations for my NaNoWriMo project and plotted out a few more stories.
Including the sequel to Capes, Coffee Shops & Cake and my next project (which I will be starting in December.) I also played around with ideas for a couple other novels.

Books I Read This Month:

  • Provenance: How A Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art
  • Wolf by Wolf
  • Siege and Storm
  • Ruin and Rising 
  •  If We Were Villains 
  • Wonder Woman: Warbringer
  • Scorpio Races
  • Blood for Blood 
  • Princess of Glass 
  • Princess of the Silver Woods 
  • Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow 
  • Name of the Wind
  • Lucky in Love
  • Seraphina
  • Warcross
  • Fairest
  • Tower of Dawn
  • The Elusive Miss Ellison
  • Ship of the Dead

And wow. NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow.

And I thought I would be freaking out?  Not like a "I'm scared" freaking out, but an "I am super excited and 95% adrenaline and caffeine at this point" freaking out.

But right now I'm just tired.


(Oh. My NaNoWriMo account! Come find me!)


  1. I read Fairest, too. Ended up DNF it because it was terrible. I'm curious what your opinion is.
    Got any Halloween plans?


    1. I honestly wasn't a fan of it either. (Bleh)
      (I did finish it, since it was so short...)

      I mean, when I read Heartless I could kind of sympathize with her.(The Red Queen)
      (And honestly, Cath's choice in the end was totally something I would have done...)

      But Levana? Not so much.

      I did like the clips of Selene and Winter. They were so cute!

  2. Yay! NaNo here we come! I'm excited, though a bit nervous too. This is probably the /least/ prepared I've ever been for NaNo. But I still have an outline, so that's great! I'm excited to hear more about your novel, though. It sounds like so much fun!

    1. As I am writing this it is about 20 min until midnight/NANOWRIMO begins!

      I am also super excited to hear more about your new project. (Ash sounds AMAZING)

      Is that the project you'll be working on this NaNo?

    2. She is pretty cool! I can't wait to write her story.

      No, we're putting that story on hold for November. It's going to be more of a side project. I'm working on a different novel, but it's sort of hush hush, unfortunately.

    3. You know what they say. Secret books are the best books.

  3. I'm im going to cave and get Blood for Blood from the library, even though I have no time for it...

  4. Good luck with NaNo! You can do this!!!

  5. Ooh! Is the Fairest that you read the one by Gail Carson Levine? I read that one! I liked it, but not as much as Ella Enchanted :)

    1. No, it was the novella from the Lunar Chronicles.

      While I have read a lot of Gail Carson Levine's books I have not even heard of Fairest before. (Don't worry. I looked it up and added it to my ever growing TBR pile.)

  6. Wow, you did a lot this month! I send you much encouragement for NaNO!!!


    1. *Takes encouragement and puts it in a nice little book to save for my mid-nano breakdown*

      Thank so much! I feel like I didn't get a lot of writing done (since I didn't have a project to work on) but I did get a few books read.

  7. Happy NaNo! I'm so excited! I just read your post about Cafes, Coffee Shops & Cake and it sounds awesome! I always think superhero stories or stories with fantastic elements are so intriguing. And the Pinterest board is awesome! Good luck writing!! :)

    1. Aw! Thank you.

      (I hope you know that since you commented I will come and stalk your blog)

  8. HOW did you read so many books. And write so many posts. AND PLOT A NANO PROJECT. What even are you, Mary Katherine. What even are you.

    *hits NaNo buddy button*
    - Jem

    1. NaNo buddy! NaNo Buddy!

      I do this thing called "Not sleep/have no social life/read a full length novel in 4-5 hours"

      And my NaNoWriMo project was already mostly plotted, I was just finishing it up. And I didn't finish plotting the other one quite yet.

      (I am a fae warrior, obviously)

  9. You did a lot in a month! Good luck with Nano!


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